Make money with just been paid | Join now

In this post i am going to show you how to make some extra money by investing 10$ .Just been paid is a wounderfull website that will pays you just for purchasing position and making your down line.If you just don't do anything still you will be having some thing.Now check the Alexa ranking about Justbeenpaid website above.

   Just been paid complete earning detail :
You can just join the site by the above link provided below.Company gives everyone 10$ for free joining.You will be given 2% on your investment and if you make no investment and just joined still you see that 20 cents increases in your account daily.So company gives you 2% on your investment weather in the form of position purchase or by your downline.
You have been give 2% commision every day for 75 days till your position expires.Once your balance reach the mark of $10 you can transfer it and withdraw your money , so if you buy 10 positions (one position cost is 10$ ) your earning of 75 days will be as chart indicates below   
of cash reward on Justbeenpaid



Daily 2% Commission


Daily 2% Commission

1st Day

10 ($100)


11th Day

10 ($100)

2nd Day
10 ($100)
12th Day
10 ($100)
3rd Day
10 ($100)
13th Day
10 ($100)
4th Day
10 ($100)
14th Day
10 ($100)
5th Day
10 ($100)
15th Day
10 ($100)
6th Day
10 ($100)
16th Day
10 ($100)
7th Day
10 ($100)
17th Day
10 ($100)
8th Day
10 ($100)
18th Day
10 ($100)
9th Day
10 ($100)
19th Day
10 ($100)
10th Day
10 ($100)
20th Day
10 ($100)
Total earning in
20 days for 10 positions $40 ($60 monthly)
Remember this payment is without downline you can increase it by make your member too , you will be given 10% commision on your 1st level members   


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