Whats to do After not receiveing Adsense pin 3rd time?????

Google Adsense sends a pin code to his every publishers when their earning touches the mark of $10 .Google needs the publishers to enter the pin code mailed to them by standard mail in order to verify the address detail of the publisher.However some times pin code does'nt reaches the publishers of asian countries who belongs to Pakistan , India , China , Bangladesh , Nepal , Srilanka and Bhutan etc
Whenever a publishers reaches the mark of $10 google adsense send a pin code to the mailed address written in the adsense account.After receiveing the pin code publishers have to enter the pin code written in the envelop.If any publisher do not received the pin code 1st time then publishers have 2 more chances of of verifying their account ... But what if he does not receive third time also?  
You will be taken to the page where you have to enter tour google adsense publisher id , you can get it after sign in to your adsense account at the top right corner of the page , enter your publisher id and submit your request , Once you submit your request google adsense team will contact you via email shortly ( within 2 working days) They will ask you to provide you Nic , Bank statement or Utility bill by email attachment as scanned copy.Simply scan one of those document and send them.
Within 2-3 working days you will surely get another e-mail with the support team with the subject as " Your adsense account has been validated" Thats it your adsense account is officially verified by Google  now you don't have to enter pin code again and again 


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